As a practicing and registered homeopath, my colleagues and I have often been asked the question, “why and for what conditions should I use homeopathy”. In fact, most people don’t know when or why to consult a homeopath. Homeopaths aim to treat the underlying cause/s of your complaint and whenever possible the obstacle to cure is removed. When surgery is necessary, homeopath and patient alike should realise the need and make the referral. Lifestyle and nutritional changes are often recommended by homeopaths and we have gained a reputation for putting people on strict eating plans. If it is an unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits that are the “fuel to the fire” of your complaint then changes need to be made. This is not always necessarily done, but one can’t deny the cliché that you are what you eat – and drink and a healthy body usually has a healthy mind and vice versa. The homeopathic way of treatment aims to aid your body’s own healing ability and to bring you to a state of optimum health. Homeopathy is a medical science with which people of all ages and in any condition of health or ill health should be treated. No medical conditions should be excluded from homeopathic intervention. Homeopathic treatment can also be preventative, you do not need to wait to be sick before you consult a homeopath. Homeopathy is safe and effective as proven by its support from professionals and patients worldwide. There are also a growing number of international trials and articles proving its safety and effectiveness. Homeopaths are required to give you a diagnosis and when necessary may use conventional tests to confirm it. Homeopaths must be registered with the Allied Health Professionals Council and display proof of registration. Many medical aids will reimburse for consultations and medicines from a homeopath. → Acne / Eczema / Psoriasis / Cracking Skin It is a common misconception that homeopathic treatment takes a long time to work and that it is best used for long standing complaints. Unfortunately people believe this, as homeopathy is actually extremely effective for the treatment of acute infections (colds, flus and coughs). With the correct homeopathic treatment, an improvement is expected within twenty four hours after treatment begins. The duration of these types of infections are usually shorter with homeopathic treatment than without and secondary infections are also usually prevented. Homeopathy
Homeopathic treatment aims to bring you to a state of optimum health.
With long standing complaints it is safe to say that you should expect results relative to the length of time you have had the condition. It is not a rule – as all people are different and respond differently, but for every year you have had the condition, one month of treatment may be necessary.
Why homeopathic medicine?
What conditions can be treated with homeopathy?
→ Allergies / Asthma
→ Back Pain / Sciatica
→ Bladder Infections
→ Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
→ Ear Infections
→ Endometriosis
→ Fungal Infections / Herpes
→ Haemorrhoids
→ Headaches
→ High Blood Pressure
→ Influenza / Coughs
→ Irregular or Painful Menstruation / PMS
→ Irritable Bowel Syndrome
→ Nausea / Diarrhoea
→ Pharyngitis / Tonsillitis
→ Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
→ Prostate Hypertrophy
→ Rheumatoid Arthritis
→ Shingles
→ Sinusitis (acute and chronic)
→ Stomach Pain
→ Thyroid Problem
→ Tooth Ache
→ Unexplained Infertility
→ Urticaria
→ Uterine Fibroids
→ Warts When should you consult a homeopath?